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A tutorial for Python and Pygame Zero 1.2

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The levels used in this tutorial are from Rockbox.


Push all the boxes on to the storage locations.

Boxes can only be moved if there is a free space beyond it (not a wall or another box).


Player on storage
Box on storage


Arrow keysMove
rReset level
nNext level
pPrevious level


The different states a cell can be in are represented by the following strings:

'+'Player on storage
'*'Box on storage

The level is stored as a grid of these strings.

When an arrow key is pressed, the grid is looped through to find where the player is.

If the position on the grid adjacent to the player in the direction of the arrow pressed is movable (i.e. empty or a storage location), the values of the grid are changed to reflect the new player position.

If the position adjacent to the player is a box and the position beyond the box is movable, the grid is changed to reflect the new player and new box positions.

If there are no boxes left which aren't on storage locations then the level is complete.


Drawing a level

Each level is stored as a grid of strings. For now, a single level is stored, and a square is drawn for every cell which isn't a space (i.e. empty).

Full code at this point

level = [
    [' ', ' ', '#', '#', '#'],
    [' ', ' ', '#', '.', '#'],
    [' ', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', '#', '#', '#'],
    ['#', '#', '#', '$', ' ', '$', '.', '#'],
    ['#', '.', ' ', '$', '@', '#', '#', '#'],
    ['#', '#', '#', '#', '$', '#'],
    [' ', ' ', ' ', '#', '.', '#'],
    [' ', ' ', ' ', '#', '#', '#'],

def draw():
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

    for y, row in enumerate(level):
        for x, cell in enumerate(row):
            if cell != ' ':
                cell_size = 23

                        (x * cell_size, y * cell_size),
                        (cell_size, cell_size)
                    color=(255, 255, 255)

Drawing cell types

The cell's string is drawn on top of the cell.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

    for y, row in enumerate(level):
        for x, cell in enumerate(row):
            if cell != ' ':
                # etc.

                    (x * cell_size, y * cell_size),
                    color=(0, 0, 0)

Setting colors

The background color is changed, and the color of each cell is set based on its type.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    screen.fill((255, 255, 190))

    for y, row in enumerate(level):
        for x, cell in enumerate(row):
            if cell != ' ':
                cell_size = 23

                colors = {
                    '@': (167, 135, 255),
                    '+': (158, 119, 255),
                    '$': (255, 201, 126),
                    '*': (150, 255, 127),
                    '.': (156, 229, 255),
                    '#': (255, 147, 209),

                        (x * cell_size, y * cell_size),
                        (cell_size, cell_size)

                    (x * cell_size, y * cell_size),
                    color=(255, 255, 255)

Naming cell types

So we don't have to remember which string refers to which cell type, the cell type strings are stored in variables.

Full code at this point

player = '@'
player_on_storage = '+'
box = '$'
box_on_storage = '*'
storage = '.'
wall = '#'
empty = ' '

def draw():
    screen.fill((255, 255, 190))

    for y, row in enumerate(level):
        for x, cell in enumerate(row):
            if cell != empty:
                cell_size = 23

                colors = {
                    player: (167, 135, 255),
                    player_on_storage: (158, 119, 255),
                    box: (255, 201, 126),
                    box_on_storage: (150, 255, 127),
                    storage: (156, 229, 255),
                    wall: (255, 147, 209),

    # etc.

Finding player cell

The first step in moving the player is finding which cell position they are at.

The cells in the level are looped through, and if the cell type is a player or a player on storage, then, for now, the player's position is printed.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    if key in (keys.UP, keys.DOWN, keys.LEFT, keys.RIGHT):
        for test_y, row in enumerate(level):
            for test_x, cell in enumerate(row):
                if cell == player or cell == player_on_storage:
                    player_x = test_x
                    player_y = test_y

        # Temporary
        print(player_x, player_y)
4       4

Finding cell type in direction of key pressed

The cell type of the player's current position and the cell type of the adjacent position in the direction of the arrow key pressed are stored in variables, and, for now, are printed.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    if key in (keys.UP, keys.DOWN, keys.LEFT, keys.RIGHT):
        # etc.

        dx = 0
        dy = 0
        if key == keys.LEFT:
            dx = -1
        elif key == keys.RIGHT:
            dx = 1
        elif key == keys.UP:
            dy = -1
        elif key == keys.DOWN:
            dy = 1

        current = level[player_y][player_x]
        adjacent = level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx]

        # Temporary
        print('current = level[' + str(player_y) + '][' + str(player_x) + '] (' + current + ')')
        print('adjacent = level[' + str(player_y + dy) + '][' + str(player_x + dx) + '] (' + adjacent + ')')
current = level[4][4] (@)
adjacent = level[3][4] ( )

current = level[4][4] (@)
adjacent = level[4][5] (#)

current = level[4][4] (@)
adjacent = level[5][4] ($)

current = level[4][4] (@)
adjacent = level[4][3] ($)

Creating test level

A test level is made for testing player movement.

Full code at this point

level = [
    ['#', '#', '#', '#', '#'],
    ['#', '@', ' ', '.', '#'],
    ['#', ' ', '$', ' ', '#'],
    ['#', '.', '$', ' ', '#'],
    ['#', ' ', '$', '.', '#'],
    ['#', '.', '$', '.', '#'],
    ['#', '.', '*', ' ', '#'],
    ['#', ' ', '*', '.', '#'],
    ['#', ' ', '*', ' ', '#'],
    ['#', '.', '*', '.', '#'],
    ['#', '#', '#', '#', '#'],

Moving player to empty location

If the value at the player's current position is player (i.e. not player_on_storage) and the adjacent cell is empty, then the player's position becomes empty and the adjacent position becomes player.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

        if current == player and adjacent == empty:
            level[player_y][player_x] = empty
            level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = player

Moving player to storage

If the adjacent position is storage, then the new adjacent position becomes player_on_storage.

Currently the player can move on to storage, but not off storage.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

        if current == player:
            if adjacent == empty:
                level[player_y][player_x] = empty
                level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = player
            elif adjacent == storage:
                level[player_y][player_x] = empty
                level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = player_on_storage

Simplifying code

The new adjacent position (either player or player_on_storage) is set based on the type of adjacent, so a dictionary is made which returns the next adjacent cell type when indexed by the current adjacent cell type.

It is also used to check if the player can move to the adjacent position by checking if it has a key with the value of adjacent.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

        next_adjacent = {
            empty: player,
            storage: player_on_storage,

        if current == player and adjacent in next_adjacent:
            level[player_y][player_x] = empty
            level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = next_adjacent[adjacent]

Moving player from storage

If the player is on storage, then the player's current position is set to storage.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

        if adjacent in next_adjacent:
            if current == player:
                level[player_y][player_x] = empty
                level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = next_adjacent[adjacent]
            elif current == player_on_storage:
                level[player_y][player_x] = storage
                level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = next_adjacent[adjacent]

Simplifying code

A dictionary is made which returns the next cell type for the player's previous position when indexed by the current player cell type.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

        next_current = {
            player: empty,
            player_on_storage: storage,

        if adjacent in next_adjacent:
            level[player_y][player_x] = next_current[current]
            level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = next_adjacent[adjacent]

Pushing box on to empty location

The cell beyond the adjacent cell is stored in a variable.

player_y + dy + dy is checked to see if it is greater than or equal to 0 and less than len(level), i.e. it is within the level height-wise, and player_x + dx + dx is checked to see if it is greater than or equal to 0 and less than len(level[player_y + dy + dy]), i.e. it is within the level width-wise.

(The adjacent position isn't checked in the same way because there is always a border of walls around each level, so player_y + dy or player_x + dx won't ever be outside the level.)

If the adjacent cell is a box and the beyond cell is empty, then the adjacent position is set to player and the beyond position is set to box.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

        beyond = ''
        if (
            0 <= player_y + dy + dy < len(level)
            and 0 <= player_x + dx + dx < len(level[player_y + dy + dy])
            beyond = level[player_y + dy + dy][player_x + dx + dx]

        next_adjacent = {
            empty: player,
            storage: player_on_storage,
        next_current = {
            player: empty,
            player_on_storage: storage,

        if adjacent in next_adjacent:
            level[player_y][player_x] = next_current[current]
            level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = next_adjacent[adjacent]

        elif adjacent == box and beyond == empty:
            level[player_y][player_x] = next_current[current]
            level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = player
            level[player_y + dy + dy][player_x + dx + dx] = box

Pushing box on to storage

If the beyond position is storage, then beyond position is set to box_on_storage.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

        if adjacent in next_adjacent:
            level[player_y][player_x] = next_current[current]
            level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = next_adjacent[adjacent]

        elif adjacent == box:
            if beyond == empty:
                level[player_y][player_x] = next_current[current]
                level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = player
                level[player_y + dy + dy][player_x + dx + dx] = box
            elif beyond == storage:
                level[player_y][player_x] = next_current[current]
                level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = player
                level[player_y + dy + dy][player_x + dx + dx] = box_on_storage

Simplifying code

A dictionary is made which returns the next beyond cell type when indexed by the current beyond cell type.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

        next_beyond = {
            empty: box,
            storage: box_on_storage,

        if adjacent in next_adjacent:
            level[player_y][player_x] = next_current[current]
            level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = next_adjacent[adjacent]

        elif adjacent == box and beyond in next_beyond:
            level[player_y][player_x] = next_current[current]
            level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = player
            level[player_y + dy + dy][player_x + dx + dx] = next_beyond[beyond]

Pushing box on storage

If the adjacent cell is a box on storage, then the adjacent position is set to box_on_storage.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

        if adjacent in next_adjacent:
            level[player_y][player_x] = next_current[current]
            level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = next_adjacent[adjacent]

        elif beyond in next_beyond:
            level[player_y][player_x] = next_current[current]

            if adjacent == box:
                level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = player
            elif adjacent == box_on_storage:
                level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = player_on_storage

            level[player_y + dy + dy][player_x + dx + dx] = next_beyond[beyond]

Simplifying code

A dictionary is made which returns the next adjacent cell type when a box is pushed when indexed by the current adjacent cell type.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

        next_adjacent_push = {
            box: player,
            box_on_storage: player_on_storage,

        if adjacent in next_adjacent:
            level[player_y][player_x] = next_current[current]
            level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = next_adjacent[adjacent]

        elif beyond in next_beyond and adjacent in next_adjacent_push:
            level[player_y][player_x] = next_current[current]
            level[player_y + dy][player_x + dx] = next_adjacent_push[adjacent]
            level[player_y + dy + dy][player_x + dx + dx] = next_beyond[beyond]

Loading level from levels list

The levels are stored in a list.

The number of the current level is also stored.

The current level is copied from the list containing all the levels.

The copy module is imported so that copy.deepcopy can be used.

Full code at this point

import copy

levels = [
        [' ', ' ', '#', '#', '#'],
        [' ', ' ', '#', '.', '#'],
        [' ', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', '#', '#', '#'],
        ['#', '#', '#', '$', ' ', '$', '.', '#'],
        ['#', '.', ' ', '$', '@', '#', '#', '#'],
        ['#', '#', '#', '#', '$', '#'],
        [' ', ' ', ' ', '#', '.', '#'],
        [' ', ' ', ' ', '#', '#', '#'],
        ['#', '#', '#', '#', '#'],
        ['#', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#'],
        ['#', '@', '$', '$', '#', ' ', '#', '#', '#'],
        ['#', ' ', '$', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', '.', '#'],
        ['#', '#', '#', ' ', '#', '#', '#', '.', '#'],
        [' ', '#', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '.', '#'],
        [' ', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#', ' ', ' ', '#'],
        [' ', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#', '#', '#', '#'],
        [' ', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#'],
        [' ', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#'],
        [' ', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#', '#', '#'],
        ['#', '#', '$', '#', '#', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#'],
        ['#', ' ', '@', ' ', '$', ' ', ' ', '$', ' ', '#'],
        ['#', ' ', '.', '.', '#', ' ', '$', ' ', '#', '#'],
        ['#', '#', '.', '.', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#'],
        [' ', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#'],

current_level = 0

level = copy.deepcopy(levels[current_level])

# etc.

Resetting level

When the r key is pressed the level is reset.

The code for copying the current level is reused, so a function is made.

Full code at this point

# etc.

current_level = 0

def load_level():
    global level
    level = copy.deepcopy(levels[current_level])


# etc.

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

    elif key == keys.R:

Next and previous level

When the n key is pressed, the next level is loaded, and when the p key is pressed, the previous level is loaded.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    global current_level

    # etc.

    elif key == keys.N:
        current_level += 1

    elif key == keys.P:
        current_level -= 1

Wrapping next and previous level

If the next level is after the last level, then the first level is loaded.

If the previous level is before the first level, then the last level is loaded.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

    elif key == keys.N:
        current_level += 1
        if current_level >= len(levels):
            current_level = 0

    elif key == keys.P:
        current_level -= 1
        if current_level < 0:
            current_level = len(levels) - 1

Go to next level when complete

After the player has moved, all of the cells in the level are looped through, and if none of the cells are boxes (i.e. all the boxes are on storage), then the level is complete and the next level is loaded.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    # etc.

    if key in (keys.UP, keys.DOWN, keys.LEFT, keys.RIGHT):

        # etc.

        complete = True

        for y, row in enumerate(level):
            for x, cell in enumerate(row):
                if cell == box:
                    complete = False

        if complete:
            current_level += 1
            if current_level >= len(levels):
                current_level = 0

    # etc.

More levels

Full code at this point