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A tutorial for Python and Pygame Zero 1.2

Download blackjack.zip


The dealer and player are dealt two cards each. The dealer's first card is hidden from the player.

The player can hit (i.e. take another card) or stand (i.e. stop taking cards).

If the total value of the player's hand goes over 21, then they have gone bust.

Face cards (king, queen and jack) have a value of 10, and aces have a value of 11 unless this would make the total value of the hand go above 21, in which case they have a value of 1.

After the player has stood or gone bust, the dealer takes cards until the total of their hand is 17 or over.

The round is then over, and the hand with the highest total (if the total is 21 or under) wins the round.


Left clickClick on hit or stand button


Each card is represented by a dictionary containing a string representing its suit, and a number representing its rank. Jacks, queens and kings are represented by the numbers 11, 12 and 13.

The deck is represented by a list which initially contains one of every card.

The player's and dealer's hands are represented by lists, and cards are removed from the deck at random positions and appended to their hands when they take cards.


The deck of cards

Each card is represented by a dictionary containing a string representing its suit, and a number representing its rank. Jacks, queens and kings are represented by the numbers 11, 12 and 13.

A list for the deck is created containing one of every card.

Full code at this point

deck = []
for suit in ('club', 'diamond', 'heart', 'spade'):
    for rank in range(1, 14):
        deck.append({'suit': suit, 'rank': rank})
        # Temporary
        print('suit: ' + suit + ', rank: ' + str(rank))

# Temporary
print('Total number of cards in deck: ' + str(len(deck)))
suit: club, rank: 1
suit: club, rank: 2
suit: club, rank: 3
suit: club, rank: 4
suit: club, rank: 5
suit: club, rank: 6
suit: club, rank: 7
suit: club, rank: 8
suit: club, rank: 9
suit: club, rank: 10
suit: club, rank: 11
suit: club, rank: 12
suit: club, rank: 13
suit: diamond, rank: 1
suit: diamond, rank: 2
suit: diamond, rank: 3
suit: diamond, rank: 4
suit: diamond, rank: 5
suit: diamond, rank: 6
suit: diamond, rank: 7
suit: diamond, rank: 8
suit: diamond, rank: 9
suit: diamond, rank: 10
suit: diamond, rank: 11
suit: diamond, rank: 12
suit: diamond, rank: 13
suit: heart, rank: 1
suit: heart, rank: 2
suit: heart, rank: 3
suit: heart, rank: 4
suit: heart, rank: 5
suit: heart, rank: 6
suit: heart, rank: 7
suit: heart, rank: 8
suit: heart, rank: 9
suit: heart, rank: 10
suit: heart, rank: 11
suit: heart, rank: 12
suit: heart, rank: 13
suit: spade, rank: 1
suit: spade, rank: 2
suit: spade, rank: 3
suit: spade, rank: 4
suit: spade, rank: 5
suit: spade, rank: 6
suit: spade, rank: 7
suit: spade, rank: 8
suit: spade, rank: 9
suit: spade, rank: 10
suit: spade, rank: 11
suit: spade, rank: 12
suit: spade, rank: 13
Total number of cards in deck: 52

Dealing the player's hand

A list for the player's hand is created.

A card is removed from the deck list at a random index between 1 and the number of cards in the deck. This card is appended to the player's hand.

This happens again for the player's second card.

The random module is imported so that random.randrage can be used.

Full code at this point

import random

# etc.

player_hand = []

# Temporary
print('Player hand:')
for card in player_hand:
    print('suit: ' + card['suit'] + ', rank: ' + str(card['rank']))

# Temporary
print('Total number of cards in deck: ' + str(len(deck)))
Player hand:
suit: heart, rank: 1
suit: spade, rank: 12
Total number of cards in deck: 50

Displaying the state of the game

For now, information about the state of the game will be displayed as text.

A list is created for the output strings, and is concatenated and drawn to the screen.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

    output = []

    output.append('Player hand:')
    for card in player_hand:
        output.append('suit: ' + card['suit'] + ', rank: ' + str(card['rank']))

    screen.draw.text('\n'.join(output), (15, 15))

Dealing the dealer's hand

A list is created for the dealer's hand and two random cards from the deck are appended to it.

Full code at this point

# etc.

player_hand = []

dealer_hand = []

def draw():
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

    output = []

    output.append('Player hand:')
    for card in player_hand:
        output.append('suit: ' + card['suit'] + ', rank: ' + str(card['rank']))


    output.append('Dealer hand:')
    for card in dealer_hand:
        output.append('suit: ' + card['suit'] + ', rank: ' + str(card['rank']))

    screen.draw.text('\n'.join(output), (15, 15))

Simplifying code

The only difference between the code for appending a card to the player's hand and appending a card to the dealer's hand is the hand to append the card to, so a function is made with the hand as a parameter.

Full code at this point

def take_card(hand):

player_hand = []

dealer_hand = []


For now, the keyboard is used for input instead of on-screen buttons.

When the h key is pressed, the player takes a card from the deck.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    if key == keys.H:

Getting the total value of a hand

For each hand, the rank of each card is added together to get the total value of the hand.

Currently this does not account for face cards having a value of 10 or for the value of aces sometimes being 11.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

    def get_total(hand):
        total = 0

        for card in hand:
            total += card['rank']

        return total

    # etc.

    output.append('Total: ' + str(get_total(player_hand)))

    # etc.

    output.append('Total: ' + str(get_total(dealer_hand)))

    # etc.

Total accounting for face cards

If a card's rank is higher than 10 (i.e. 11, 12 or 13), then it is a face card and its value is 10.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    def get_total(hand):
        total = 0

        for card in hand:
            if card['rank'] > 10:
                total += 10
                total += card['rank']

        return total

    # etc.

Total accounting for ace

Aces have a value of 11 instead of 1 unless the value of the hand would go over 21.

First, the values of all of the cards in the hand are added together, counting aces as 1 instead of 11.

Then, if the hand has an ace and the total value of the hand is 11 or less, 10 is added to the total (10 is added instead of 11 because 1 has already been added to it). If the total value of the hand was 12 (or more), then an ace counting as 11 would make the value of the hand 22 (or more).

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    def get_total(hand):
        total = 0
        has_ace = False

        for card in hand:
            if card['rank'] > 10:
                total += 10
                total += card['rank']

            if card['rank'] == 1:
                has_ace = True

        if has_ace and total <= 11:
            total += 10

        return total

    # etc.


When the s key is pressed, the player stands and the round is over.

The player can hit only when the round is not over.

Full code at this point

# etc.

round_over = False

def on_key_down(key):
    global round_over

    if key == keys.H and not round_over:
    elif key == keys.S:
        round_over = True

Displaying the winner

When the round is over, the total of the player's hand is compared to the total of the dealer's hand and the winner is displayed.

Currently this does not account for busts (i.e. hands with a value of over 21).

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    if round_over:

        if get_total(player_hand) > get_total(dealer_hand):
            output.append('Player wins')
        elif get_total(dealer_hand) > get_total(player_hand):
            output.append('Dealer wins')

    # etc.

Winner accounting for bust

The player or dealer wins if they haven't gone bust, and...

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    if round_over:

        if (
            get_total(player_hand) <= 21
            and (
                get_total(dealer_hand) > 21
                or get_total(player_hand) > get_total(dealer_hand)
            output.append('Player wins')
        elif (
            get_total(dealer_hand) <= 21
            and (
                get_total(player_hand) > 21
                or get_total(dealer_hand) > get_total(player_hand)
            output.append('Dealer wins')

        # etc.

Simplifying code

The only differences in the code determining if a hand has won is the hand in question and the opponent's hand, so a function is made.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    if round_over:

        def has_hand_won(this_hand, other_hand):
            return (
                get_total(this_hand) <= 21
                and (
                    get_total(other_hand) > 21
                    or get_total(this_hand) > get_total(other_hand)

        if has_hand_won(player_hand, dealer_hand):
            output.append('Player wins')
        elif has_hand_won(dealer_hand, player_hand):
            output.append('Dealer wins')

Resetting the game

A function is made which sets the initial state of the game.

This function is called before the game begins and when a key is pressed after the round is over.

Full code at this point

def reset():
    global deck
    global player_hand
    global dealer_hand
    global round_over

    deck = []
    for suit in ('club', 'diamond', 'heart', 'spade'):
        for rank in range(1, 14):
            deck.append({'suit': suit, 'rank': rank})

    player_hand = []

    dealer_hand = []

    round_over = False


def on_key_down(key):
    global round_over

    if not round_over:
        if key == keys.H:
        elif key == keys.S:
            round_over = True

End round on bust or 21

If the player has gone bust or the value of their hand is already 21, the round is automatically over.

Since this requires getting the total value of a hand, get_total is moved to be global.

Full code at this point

# Moved
def get_total(hand):
    # etc.

def on_key_down(key):
    global round_over

    if not round_over:
        if key == keys.H:
            if get_total(player_hand) >= 21:
                round_over = True
        elif key == keys.S:
            round_over = True

Dealer hitting

If the player has stood, gone bust or has 21, the dealer takes cards while the value of their hand is less than 17.

Full code at this point

def on_key_down(key):
    global round_over

    if not round_over:
        if key == keys.H:
            if get_total(player_hand) >= 21:
                round_over = True
        elif key == keys.S:
            round_over = True

        if round_over:
            while get_total(dealer_hand) < 17:

Hiding the dealer's first card

Until the round is over, the dealer's first card (i.e. the first item of the dealer's hand list) is hidden.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    output.append('Dealer hand:')
    for card_index, card in enumerate(dealer_hand):
        if not round_over and card_index == 0:
            output.append('(Card hidden)')
            output.append('suit: ' + card['suit'] + ', rank: ' + str(card['rank']))

    # etc.

Hiding the dealer's total

Until the round is over, the total of the dealer's hand is hidden.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    if round_over:
        output.append('Total: ' + str(get_total(dealer_hand)))
        output.append('Total: ?')

    # etc.

Drawing the player's hand

The code which displays the text is commented out.

The background is changed to be white.

The cards in the player's hand are looped through and the corresponding card image is drawn for each one.

You can access the image files used in this tutorial by downloading and unzipping the .zip file linked to at the top of this page.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    screen.fill((255, 255, 255))

    # etc.

    # Removed: screen.draw.text('\n'.join(output), (15, 15))

    for card_index, card in enumerate(player_hand):
        screen.blit(card['suit'] + '_' + str(card['rank']),
            (card_index * 60, 0))

Drawing the dealer's hand

The dealer's hand is drawn.

The dealer's hand and the player's hand use the same space between the cards, and the same offset on the X axis, so variables are made for them.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    card_spacing = 60
    margin_x = 10

    for card_index, card in enumerate(dealer_hand):
        screen.blit(card['suit'] + '_' + str(card['rank']),
            (card_index * card_spacing + margin_x, 10))

    for card_index, card in enumerate(player_hand):
        screen.blit(card['suit'] + '_' + str(card['rank']),
            (card_index * card_spacing + margin_x, 140))

Hiding the dealer's first card

Until the round is over, the dealer's first card is hidden. Instead of drawing a blank card, the face down card image is used.

The image name of the dealer's card is made into a variable, and is set to the face down card if the round is not over and it's the first card in the hand.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    for card_index, card in enumerate(dealer_hand):
        image = card['suit'] + '_' + str(card['rank'])
        if not round_over and card_index == 0:
            image = 'card_face_down'
        screen.blit(image, (card_index * card_spacing + margin_x, 30))

    for card_index, card in enumerate(player_hand):
        screen.blit(card['suit'] + '_' + str(card['rank']),
            (card_index * card_spacing + margin_x, 140))

Displaying totals

The total of each hand are drawn.

The dealer's total is drawn only when the round is over.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    if round_over:
        screen.draw.text('Total: ' + str(get_total(dealer_hand)),
            (margin_x, 10), color=(0, 0, 0))
        screen.draw.text('Total: ?', (margin_x, 10), color=(0, 0, 0))

    screen.draw.text('Total: ' + str(get_total(player_hand)),
        (margin_x, 120), color=(0, 0, 0))

Displaying winner

When the round is over, the result of the game is drawn.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    if round_over:
        def has_hand_won(this_hand, other_hand):
            return (
                get_total(this_hand) <= 21
                and (
                    get_total(other_hand) > 21
                    or get_total(this_hand) > get_total(other_hand)

        def draw_winner(message):
            screen.draw.text(message, (margin_x, 268), color=(0, 0, 0))

        if has_hand_won(player_hand, dealer_hand):
            draw_winner('Player wins')
        elif has_hand_won(dealer_hand, player_hand):
            draw_winner('Dealer wins')

Removing text output code

The code relating to text output is removed.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    screen.fill((255, 255, 255))

    # Removed:
    # output = []

    # output.append('Player hand:')
    # for card in player_hand:
    #     output.append('suit: ' + card['suit'] + ', rank: ' + str(card['rank']))
    # output.append('Total: ' + str(get_total(player_hand)))

    # output.append('')

    # output.append('Dealer hand:')
    # for card_index, card in enumerate(dealer_hand):
    #     if not round_over and card_index == 0:
    #         output.append('(Card hidden)')
    #     else:
    #         output.append('suit: ' + card['suit'] + ', rank: ' + str(card['rank']))

    # if round_over:
    #     output.append('Total: ' + str(get_total(dealer_hand)))
    # else:
    #     output.append('Total: ?')

    # if round_over:
    #     output.append('')

    #     def has_hand_won(this_hand, other_hand):
    #         return (
    #             get_total(this_hand) <= 21
    #             and (
    #                 get_total(other_hand) > 21
    #                 or get_total(this_hand) > get_total(other_hand)
    #             )
    #         )

    #     if has_hand_won(player_hand, dealer_hand):
    #         output.append('Player wins')
    #     elif has_hand_won(dealer_hand, player_hand):
    #         output.append('Dealer wins')
    #     else:
    #         output.append('Draw')

    # etc.

Drawing hit and stand buttons

The hit and stand buttons are drawn as rectangles with text on top.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    screen.draw.filled_rect(Rect(10, 230, 53, 25), color=(255, 127, 57))
    screen.draw.text('Hit!', (23, 236))

    screen.draw.filled_rect(Rect(70, 230, 53, 25), color=(255, 127, 57))
    screen.draw.text('Stand', (74, 236))

Drawing play again button

The "play again" button is drawn occupying the same position as the other buttons, since it will only be visible when the round is over.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

##    screen.draw.filled_rect(Rect(10, 230, 53, 25), color=(255, 127, 57))
##    screen.draw.text('Hit!', (23, 236))
##    screen.draw.filled_rect(Rect(70, 230, 53, 25), color=(255, 127, 57))
##    screen.draw.text('Stand', (74, 236))

    screen.draw.filled_rect(Rect(10, 230, 113, 25), color=(255, 127, 57))
    screen.draw.text('Play again', (27, 236))

Basing text position on button position

The X and Y positions of the button text is based on the X and Y positions of the buttons plus an offset.

Each button's X position is used twice, so they are made into variables.

The same Y position is used by all buttons, so it is made into a variable.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    button_y = 230

    button_hit_x = 10
        Rect(button_hit_x, button_y, 53, 25),
        color=(255, 127, 57)
    screen.draw.text('Hit!', (button_hit_x + 13, button_y + 6))

    button_stand_x = 70
        Rect(button_stand_x, button_y, 53, 25),
        color=(255, 127, 57)
    screen.draw.text('Stand', (button_stand_x + 4, button_y + 6))

##    button_play_again_x = 10
##    screen.draw.filled_rect(
##        Rect(button_play_again_x, button_y, 113, 25),
##        color=(255, 127, 57)
##    )
##    screen.draw.text('Play again', (button_play_again_x + 17, button_y + 6))

Simplifying code

The only difference between the code for drawing each button is the button's text, X position, width, and text offset on the X axis. A function is made with these as parameters.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    def draw_button(text, button_x, button_width, text_offset_x):
        button_y = 230
            Rect(button_x, button_y, button_width, 25),
            color=(255, 127, 57)
        screen.draw.text(text, (button_x + text_offset_x, button_y + 6))

    draw_button('Hit!', 10, 53, 13)
    draw_button('Stand', 70, 53, 4)
    # draw_button('Play again', 10, 113, 17)

Highlighting button when cursor is over it

The color of the rectangle changes when the mouse cursor is over it.

The cursor is over the button if...

The button height is reused from drawing the button, so a variable is made.

The pygame module is imported so that pygame.mouse.get_pos can be used.

An empty update function is created so that the draw function will update on every frame.

Full code at this point

import pygame

def update():

def draw():
    # etc.

    def draw_button(text, button_x, button_width, text_offset_x):
        button_y = 230
        button_height = 25

        mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

        if (
            mouse_x >= button_x
            and mouse_x < button_x + button_width
            and mouse_y >= button_y
            and mouse_y < button_y + button_height
            color = (255, 202, 75)
            color = (255, 127, 57)

            Rect(button_x, button_y, button_width, button_height),
        screen.draw.text(text, (button_x + text_offset_x, button_y + 6))

Clicking buttons

If a mouse button is released and the mouse is over a button, then the button has been clicked, and (for now) the name of the button is printed.

Checking if the mouse is over a button is reused from drawing the button, so it is made into a function.

Full code at this point

def is_mouse_in_button(button_x, button_width):
    button_y = 230
    button_height = 25

    mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

    return (
        mouse_x >= button_x
        and mouse_x < button_x + button_width
        and mouse_y >= button_y
        and mouse_y < button_y + button_height

def on_mouse_up():
    if is_mouse_in_button(10, 53):
    elif is_mouse_in_button(70, 53):
    # elif is_mouse_in_button(10, 113):
    #     print('Play again')

def draw():
    # etc.

    def draw_button(text, button_x, button_width, text_offset_x):
        button_y = 230
        button_height = 25

        # Removed: mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

        if is_mouse_in_button(button_x, button_width):
            color = (255, 202, 75)
            color = (255, 127, 57)

        # etc.

Button dictionaries

So that the information for each button is stored in one place, a dictionary is created for each button.

Full code at this point

button_y = 230
button_height = 25
text_offset_y = 6

button_hit = {
    'x': 10,
    'y': button_y,
    'width': 53,
    'height': 25,
    'text': 'Hit!',
    'text_offset_x': 13,
    'text_offset_y': text_offset_y,

button_stand = {
    'x': 70,
    'y': button_y,
    'width': 53,
    'height': 25,
    'text': 'Stand',
    'text_offset_x': 4,
    'text_offset_y': text_offset_y,

button_play_again = {
    'x': 10,
    'y': button_y,
    'width': 113,
    'height': 25,
    'text': 'Play again',
    'text_offset_x': 17,
    'text_offset_y': text_offset_y,

def is_mouse_in_button(button):
    mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

    return (
        mouse_x >= button['x']
        and mouse_x < button['x'] + button['width']
        and mouse_y >= button['y']
        and mouse_y < button['y'] + button['height']

def on_mouse_up():
    if is_mouse_in_button(button_hit):
    elif is_mouse_in_button(button_stand):
    # elif is_mouse_in_button(button_play_again):
    #     print('Play again')

def draw():
    # etc.

    def draw_button(button):
        # Removed: button_y = 230
        # Removed: button_height = 25

        if is_mouse_in_button(button):
            color = (255, 202, 75)
            color = (255, 127, 57)

            Rect(button['x'], button['y'], button['width'], button['height']),
            (button['x'] + button['text_offset_x'],
            button['y'] + button['text_offset_y'])

    # draw_button(button_play_again)

Showing play again button after round is over

The hit and stand buttons are shown while the round is in progress, and the play again button is shown when the round is over.

Full code at this point

def draw():
    # etc.

    if not round_over:

Using buttons

The code from on_key_down is moved to on_mouse_up, and instead of using the keys it uses the on-screen buttons.

Full code at this point

def on_mouse_up():
    global round_over

    if not round_over:
        if is_mouse_in_button(button_hit):
            if get_total(player_hand) >= 21:
                round_over = True
        elif is_mouse_in_button(button_stand):
            round_over = True

        if round_over:
            while get_total(dealer_hand) < 17:
    elif is_mouse_in_button(button_play_again):