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A tutorial for Python and Pygame Zero 1.2
Fly through the spaces between the pipes by flapping.
A point is scored for every pipe passed.
Any key | Flap |
The bird doesn't actually move forward; it stays still on the X axis while the pipes move to the left.
The bird is drawn as a yellow rectangle, and each pipe is drawn as two green rectangles.
The bird's Y position moves down by a certain speed each frame. Each frame this speed is increased to simulate gravity.
When a key is pressed, the bird's speed is set to a high number in the upward direction.
The pipes share the same width, and the same space height between the segments.
Each pipe has its own X position, and Y position the space starts at.
Since there are only two pipes in the playing area at one time, the information for only two pipes needs to stored. Once a pipe goes out of the playing area, it gets a new space position and its X position is reset to the right edge of the playing area.
To see if the bird has collided with a pipe's two segments, three things need to be checked for each segment.
The bird has collided with the top segment if...
The bird has collided with the bottom segment if...
A blue rectangle is drawn for the background.
def draw(): screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (0, 0), (300, 388) ), color=(35, 92, 118) )
A yellow rectangle is drawn for the bird.
def draw(): # etc. screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (62, 200), (30, 25) ), color=(224, 214, 68) )
The bird's Y position is made into a variable, and every frame it increases by 30 multiplied by dt, making the bird move down 30 pixels per second.
bird_y = 200 def update(dt): global bird_y bird_y += 30 * dt def draw(): # etc. screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (62, bird_y), (30, 25) ), color=(224, 214, 68) )
Instead of moving at a constant speed, the number added to the bird's Y position also increases over time.
The bird's speed is made into a variable which starts at 0, and every frame it increases by 516 multiplied by dt.
bird_y = 200 bird_y_speed = 0 def update(dt): global bird_y global bird_y_speed bird_y_speed += 516 * dt bird_y += bird_y_speed * dt
Pressing any key sets the bird's speed to a negative number so that it moves upwards.
def on_key_down(): global bird_y_speed bird_y_speed = -165
So that the bird can't fly completely above the playing area, flapping is only possible if the top edge of the bird is not above the playing area.
def on_key_down(): global bird_y_speed if bird_y > 0: bird_y_speed = -165
For now, a solid rectangle is drawn for the pipe, with its left edge touching the playing area's right edge.
The width and height of the playing area are reused from drawing the background, so they are made into variables.
# etc. playing_area_width = 300 playing_area_height = 388 def draw(): # etc. screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (0, 0), (playing_area_width, playing_area_height) ), color=(35, 92, 118) ) # etc. screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (playing_area_width, 0), (54, playing_area_height) ), color=(94, 201, 72) )
Instead of drawing one rectangle, two rectangles are drawn for the upper and lower segments.
The top rectangle's height is set to where the space between the two segments starts. For now, this is 150.
The bottom rectangle starts at the Y position of the top rectangle's height plus the amount of space between them (which is 100).
The bottom rectangle's height is the playing area's height, minus the height of the top rectangle and the space.
The pipe width is the same for both segments, so it is made into a variable.
def draw(): # etc. pipe_width = 54 pipe_space_height = 100 pipe_space_y = 150 screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (playing_area_width, 0), (pipe_width, pipe_space_y) ), color=(94, 201, 72) ) screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (playing_area_width, pipe_space_y + pipe_space_height), (pipe_width, playing_area_height - pipe_space_y - pipe_space_height) ), color=(94, 201, 72) )
The pipe's space position is set to a random number between 0 (the top of the playing area) and the playing area height minus the space height (so that the bottom of the space would be touching the bottom of the playing area).
The random module is imported so that random.randint can be used.
The pipe's space position should be set only once, so it is moved to be global. Setting the pipe's space position requires the space's height, so it is also moved to be global.
To test this, the code for setting the pipe's space position is copied into on_key_down.
import random # etc. pipe_space_height = 100 pipe_space_y = random.randint(0, playing_area_height - pipe_space_height) def on_key_down(): # etc. # Temporary global pipe_space_y pipe_space_y = random.randint(0, playing_area_height - pipe_space_height) def draw(): # Moved: pipe_space_y = 150 # Moved: pipe_space_height = 100
So that there is some distance between the top/bottom of the playing area and the space, a minimum number is added/subtracted from the random minimum/maximum values.
# etc. pipe_space_y_min = 54 pipe_space_y = random.randint( pipe_space_y_min, playing_area_height - pipe_space_height - pipe_space_y_min ) def on_key_down(): # etc. # Temporary global pipe_space_y pipe_space_y = random.randint( pipe_space_y_min, playing_area_height - pipe_space_height - pipe_space_y_min )
The pipe's X position is made into a variable, and is moved left 60 pixels per second.
# etc. pipe_x = playing_area_width def update(dt): # etc. global pipe_x # etc. pipe_x -= 60 * dt def draw(): # etc. screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (pipe_x, 0), (pipe_width, pipe_space_y) ), color=(94, 201, 72) ) screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (pipe_x, pipe_space_y + pipe_space_height), (pipe_width, playing_area_height - pipe_space_y - pipe_space_height) ), color=(94, 201, 72) )
When the pipe goes out of the playing area, its X position is reset and it gets a new random space position.
Determining if the pipe has gone out of the playing area requires knowing the pipe's width, which is reused from drawing the pipe, so the pipe's width is moved to be global.
Setting the initial X position of the pipe and its random space position is reused, so a function is made.
# etc. bird_y = 200 bird_y_speed = 0 playing_area_width = 300 playing_area_height = 388 pipe_space_height = 100 pipe_width = 54 def reset_pipe(): global pipe_space_y global pipe_x pipe_space_y_min = 54 pipe_space_y = random.randint( pipe_space_y_min, playing_area_height - pipe_space_height - pipe_space_y_min ) pipe_x = playing_area_width reset_pipe() def update(dt): # etc. if (pipe_x + pipe_width) < 0: reset_pipe() def draw(): # Moved: pipe_width = 54
The bird is colliding with the top pipe segment if...
For now, reset_pipe is called when the bird and pipe collide.
The bird's X position and width are reused from drawing the bird, so they are made into variables.
# etc. bird_x = 62 bird_width = 30 # etc. def update(dt): # etc. if ( # Left edge of bird is to the left of the right edge of pipe bird_x < (pipe_x + pipe_width) and # Right edge of bird is to the right of the left edge of pipe (bird_x + bird_width) > pipe_x and # Top edge of bird is above the bottom edge of first pipe segment bird_y < pipe_space_y ): # Temporary reset_pipe() def draw(): # etc. screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (bird_x, bird_y), (bird_width, 25) ), color=(224, 214, 68) ) # etc.
The bird is colliding with the bottom pipe segment if...
The bird's height is reused from drawing the bird, so it is made into a variable.
# etc. bird_height = 25 def update(dt): # etc. if ( # Left edge of bird is to the left of the right edge of pipe bird_x < (pipe_x + pipe_width) and # Right edge of bird is to the right of the left edge of pipe (bird_x + bird_width) > pipe_x and ( # Top edge of bird is above the bottom edge of first pipe segment bird_y < pipe_space_y or # Bottom edge of bird is below the top edge of second pipe segment (bird_y + bird_height) > (pipe_space_y + pipe_space_height) ) ): # Temporary reset_pipe() def draw(): # etc. screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (bird_x, bird_y), (bird_width, bird_height) ), color=(224, 214, 68) )
Each pipe has its own X position and space position.
For now, these are manually set for each pipe.
The pipe drawing code is turned into a function which takes a pipe's X position and space position.
# etc. pipe_1_x = 100 pipe_1_space_y = 100 pipe_2_x = 200 pipe_2_space_y = 200 def draw(): # etc. def draw_pipe(pipe_x, pipe_space_y): screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (pipe_x, 0), (pipe_width, pipe_space_y) ), color=(94, 201, 72) ) screen.draw.filled_rect( Rect( (pipe_x, pipe_space_y + pipe_space_height), (pipe_width, playing_area_height - pipe_space_y - pipe_space_height) ), color=(94, 201, 72) ) draw_pipe(pipe_1_x, pipe_1_space_y) draw_pipe(pipe_2_x, pipe_2_space_y)
Because each pipe has an individual X position, setting the X position is removed from the reset_pipe function, leaving only the random space position. The function is renamed to new_pipe_space_y to reflect this.
Instead of creating a global pipe_space_y variable, the function returns a new space position.
Because the variables pipe_x, pipe_space_y and reset_pipe no longer exist, the parts of the update function which use them are commented out.
To test the random space positions, the pipes get new space positions when a key is pressed.
def new_pipe_space_y(): # Removed: global pipe_space_y # Removed: global pipe_x pipe_space_y_min = 54 pipe_space_y = random.randint( pipe_space_y_min, playing_area_height - pipe_space_height - pipe_space_y_min ) # Removed: pipe_x = playing_area_width return pipe_space_y # Removed: reset_pipe() pipe_1_x = 100 pipe_1_space_y = new_pipe_space_y() pipe_2_x = 200 pipe_2_space_y = new_pipe_space_y() def update(dt): global bird_y global bird_y_speed # Removed: global pipe_x bird_y_speed += 516 * dt bird_y += bird_y_speed * dt ## pipe_x -= 60 * dt ## ## if (pipe_x + pipe_width) < 0: ## reset_pipe() ## ## if ( ## # Left edge of bird is to the left of the right edge of pipe ## bird_x < (pipe_x + pipe_width) ## and ## # Right edge of bird is to the right of the left edge of pipe ## (bird_x + bird_width) > pipe_x ## and ( ## # Top edge of bird is above the bottom edge of first pipe segment ## bird_y < pipe_space_y ## or ## # Bottom edge of bird is below the top edge of second pipe segment ## (bird_y + bird_height) > (pipe_space_y + pipe_space_height) ## ) ## ): ## # Temporary ## reset_pipe() def on_key_down(): # etc. # Temporary global pipe_1_space_y global pipe_2_space_y pipe_1_space_y = new_pipe_space_y() pipe_2_space_y = new_pipe_space_y()
The code which moves the pipe is uncommented and turned into a function which takes a pipe's X position and space position, and returns the updated positions.
When a pipe moves out of the playing area, its position is set to be at the right of the playing area.
def update(dt): global bird_y global bird_y_speed global pipe_1_x global pipe_2_x global pipe_1_space_y global pipe_2_space_y bird_y_speed += 516 * dt bird_y += bird_y_speed * dt def move_pipe(pipe_x, pipe_space_y): pipe_x -= 60 * dt if (pipe_x + pipe_width) < 0: pipe_x = playing_area_width pipe_space_y = new_pipe_space_y() return pipe_x, pipe_space_y pipe_1_x, pipe_1_space_y = move_pipe(pipe_1_x, pipe_1_space_y) pipe_2_x, pipe_2_space_y = move_pipe(pipe_2_x, pipe_2_space_y) ## if ( ## # Left edge of bird is to the left of the right edge of pipe ## bird_x < (pipe_x + pipe_width) ## and ## # Right edge of bird is to the right of the left edge of pipe ## (bird_x + bird_width) > pipe_x ## and ( ## # Top edge of bird is above the bottom edge of first pipe segment ## bird_y < pipe_space_y ## or ## # Bottom edge of bird is below the top edge of second pipe segment ## (bird_y + bird_height) > (pipe_space_y + pipe_space_height) ## ) ## ): ## # Temporary ## reset_pipe()
The first pipe's initial X position is set to the width of the playing area (i.e. the pipe's left edge is touching the right edge of the playing area).
The second pipe's initial X position is set so that there is an even space between it and the other pipe on either side.
The total distance that a pipe travels from the of the right of the playing area to left is the width of the playing area plus the width of the pipe.
The second pipe's initial X position is set to the playing area width plus half the total distance, so that the two pipes are spaced evenly apart.
# etc. pipe_1_x = playing_area_width pipe_1_space_y = new_pipe_space_y() pipe_2_x = playing_area_width + ((playing_area_width + pipe_width) / 2) pipe_2_space_y = new_pipe_space_y()
The code for the checking if the bird and pipe have collided is uncommented and turned into a function which takes a pipe's X position and space position and returns a boolean value.
The function is called for both pipes.
For now, when the bird collides with a pipe, the position of both pipes are reset.
def update(dt): # etc. def is_bird_colliding_with_pipe(pipe_x, pipe_space_y): return ( # Left edge of bird is to the left of the right edge of pipe bird_x < (pipe_x + pipe_width) and # Right edge of bird is to the right of the left edge of pipe (bird_x + bird_width) > pipe_x and ( # Top edge of bird is above the bottom edge of first pipe segment bird_y < pipe_space_y or # Bottom edge of bird is below the top edge of second pipe segment (bird_y + bird_height) > (pipe_space_y + pipe_space_height) ) ) if ( is_bird_colliding_with_pipe(pipe_1_x, pipe_1_space_y) or is_bird_colliding_with_pipe(pipe_2_x, pipe_2_space_y) ): pipe_1_x = playing_area_width pipe_2_x = playing_area_width + ((playing_area_width + pipe_width) / 2)
A function is made which sets the initial state of the game.
This function is called before the game begins and when the bird collides with a pipe.
bird_x = 62 bird_width = 30 bird_height = 25 playing_area_width = 300 playing_area_height = 388 pipe_space_height = 100 pipe_width = 54 def new_pipe_space_y(): pipe_space_y_min = 54 pipe_space_y = random.randint( pipe_space_y_min, playing_area_height - pipe_space_height - pipe_space_y_min ) return pipe_space_y def reset(): global bird_y global bird_y_speed global pipe_1_x global pipe_1_space_y global pipe_2_x global pipe_2_space_y bird_y = 200 bird_y_speed = 0 pipe_1_x = playing_area_width pipe_1_space_y = new_pipe_space_y() pipe_2_x = playing_area_width + ((playing_area_width + pipe_width) / 2) pipe_2_space_y = new_pipe_space_y() reset() def update(dt): # etc. if ( is_bird_colliding_with_pipe(pipe_1_x, pipe_1_space_y) or is_bird_colliding_with_pipe(pipe_2_x, pipe_2_space_y) ): reset()
The game is also reset if the bird has fallen out of the playing area (i.e. the bird's top edge is below the bottom edge of the playing area).
def update(dt): # etc. if ( is_bird_colliding_with_pipe(pipe_1_x, pipe_1_space_y) or is_bird_colliding_with_pipe(pipe_2_x, pipe_2_space_y) or bird_y > playing_area_height ): reset()
The score is initially set to 0 and is drawn.
def reset(): # etc. global score # etc. score = 0 def draw(): # etc. screen.draw.text(str(score), (15, 15))
If the bird's left edge is to the right of the pipe's right edge, then 1 is added to the score.
Currently, this happens every frame instead of just once, so the score will increase too much, and only the first pipe is checked.
def update(dt): # etc. global score # etc. if bird_x > (pipe_1_x + pipe_width): score += 1
A number representing which pipe is upcoming is stored in a variable and the bird is checked to see if it has passed a pipe only when that particular pipe is the upcoming pipe.
When it has passed it, the upcoming pipe is set to the other pipe.
def reset(): global upcoming_pipe # etc. upcoming_pipe = 1 def update(dt): global upcoming_pipe # etc. if ( upcoming_pipe == 1 and bird_x > (pipe_1_x + pipe_width) ): score += 1 upcoming_pipe = 2 if ( upcoming_pipe == 2 and bird_x > (pipe_2_x + pipe_width) ): score += 1 upcoming_pipe = 1
The only differences between updating the score for the first and second pipes are the currently upcoming pipe, the pipe's X position, and the next upcoming pipe.
A function is made with these values as parameters.
def update(dt): # etc. def update_score_and_closest_pipe(this_pipe, pipe_x, other_pipe): global upcoming_pipe global score if ( upcoming_pipe == this_pipe and bird_x > (pipe_x + pipe_width) ): score += 1 upcoming_pipe = other_pipe update_score_and_closest_pipe(1, pipe_1_x, 2) update_score_and_closest_pipe(2, pipe_2_x, 1)