function love.load() snakeSegments = { {x = 3, y = 1}, {x = 2, y = 1}, {x = 1, y = 1}, } timer = 0 direction = 'right' end function love.update(dt) timer = timer + dt if timer >= 0.15 then timer = 0 local nextXPosition = snakeSegments[1].x local nextYPosition = snakeSegments[1].y if direction == 'right' then nextXPosition = nextXPosition + 1 elseif direction == 'left' then nextXPosition = nextXPosition - 1 elseif direction == 'down' then nextYPosition = nextYPosition + 1 elseif direction == 'up' then nextYPosition = nextYPosition - 1 end table.insert(snakeSegments, 1, { x = nextXPosition, y = nextYPosition }) table.remove(snakeSegments) end end function love.keypressed(key) if key == 'right' and direction ~= 'left' then direction = 'right' elseif key == 'left' and direction ~= 'right' then direction = 'left' elseif key == 'down' and direction ~= 'up' then direction = 'down' elseif key == 'up' and direction ~= 'down' then direction = 'up' end end function love.draw() local gridXCount = 20 local gridYCount = 15 local cellSize = 15, .28, .28) 'fill', 0, 0, gridXCount * cellSize, gridYCount * cellSize ) for segmentIndex, segment in ipairs(snakeSegments) do, 1, .32) 'fill', (segment.x - 1) * cellSize, (segment.y - 1) * cellSize, cellSize - 1, cellSize - 1 ) end end