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A tutorial for Lua and LÖVE 11
Eating food makes the snake grow. When the food is eaten it moves to another random position.
The snake will wrap around to the other side of the screen when it goes off the edge.
The game is over when the snake crashes into itself.
Arrow keys | Change direction |
The snake is represented by a sequence of X and Y positions.
The food is represented by a single X and Y position.
When the snake moves, then the last item in the sequence (i.e. its old tail position) is removed, and an item is added to the front (i.e. its new head position) in the direction that the snake is going.
If the new head position is at the same position as the food's position, then the snake's tail is not removed, and the food is moved to a random position not occupied by the snake.
If the new head position is at the same position as any of the snake's other segments, then the game is over.
The playing area is 20 cells wide and 15 cells high, and each cell has a side length of 15 pixels.
A rectangle is drawn for the background.
function love.draw() local gridXCount = 20 local gridYCount = 15 local cellSize = 15 love.graphics.setColor(.28, .28, .28) love.graphics.rectangle( 'fill', 0, 0, gridXCount * cellSize, gridYCount * cellSize ) end
The snake's segments are stored as X and Y positions and drawn as squares.
function love.draw() -- etc. local snakeSegments = { {x = 3, y = 1}, {x = 2, y = 1}, {x = 1, y = 1}, } for segmentIndex, segment in ipairs(snakeSegments) do love.graphics.setColor(.6, 1, .32) love.graphics.rectangle( 'fill', (segment.x - 1) * cellSize, (segment.y - 1) * cellSize, cellSize - 1, cellSize - 1 ) end end
The snake will move once every 0.15 seconds.
A timer variable starts at 0 and increases by dt each frame.
When the timer is at or above 0.15 it is reset to 0.
For now, 'tick' is printed every time the snake will move.
function love.load() timer = 0 end function love.update(dt) timer = timer + dt if timer >= 0.15 then timer = 0 -- Temporary print('tick') end end
The next position of the snake's head is calculated by adding 1 to the current X position of the snake's head (i.e. the first element of the segments table). This new segment is added to the start of the segments table.
The last element of the segments table (the snake's tail) is removed.
The segments table is changed in love.update, so it is moved into love.load.
function love.load() -- Moved and "local" removed snakeSegments = { {x = 3, y = 1}, {x = 2, y = 1}, {x = 1, y = 1}, } timer = 0 end function love.update(dt) timer = timer + dt if timer >= 0.15 then timer = 0 local nextXPosition = snakeSegments[1].x + 1 local nextYPosition = snakeSegments[1].y table.insert(snakeSegments, 1, { x = nextXPosition, y = nextYPosition }) table.remove(snakeSegments) end end function love.draw() -- Removed: local snakeSegments end
The snake's current direction is stored in a variable, and is changed using the arrow keys.
The snake's next head position is set based on this direction.
function love.load() -- etc. direction = 'right' end function love.update(dt) timer = timer + dt if timer >= 0.15 then timer = 0 local nextXPosition = snakeSegments[1].x local nextYPosition = snakeSegments[1].y if direction == 'right' then nextXPosition = nextXPosition + 1 elseif direction == 'left' then nextXPosition = nextXPosition - 1 elseif direction == 'down' then nextYPosition = nextYPosition + 1 elseif direction == 'up' then nextYPosition = nextYPosition - 1 end table.insert(snakeSegments, 1, { x = nextXPosition, y = nextYPosition }) table.remove(snakeSegments) end end function love.keypressed(key) if key == 'right' then direction = 'right' elseif key == 'left' then direction = 'left' elseif key == 'down' then direction = 'down' elseif key == 'up' then direction = 'up' end end
The snake shouldn't be able to move in the opposite direction it's currently going in (e.g. when it's going right, it shouldn't immediately go left), so this is checked before setting the direction.
function love.keypressed(key) if key == 'right' and direction ~= 'left' then direction = 'right' elseif key == 'left' and direction ~= 'right' then direction = 'left' elseif key == 'down' and direction ~= 'up' then direction = 'down' elseif key == 'up' and direction ~= 'down' then direction = 'up' end end
Currently, the snake can still go backwards if another direction and then the opposite direction is pressed within a single tick of the timer. For example, if the snake moved right on the last tick, and then the player presses down then left before the next tick, then the snake will move left on the next tick.
Also, the player may want to give multiple directions within a single tick. In the above example, the player may have wanted the snake to move down for the next tick, and then left on the tick after.
A direction queue is created. The first item in the queue is the direction the snake will move on the next tick.
If the direction queue has more than one item, then the first item is removed from it on every tick.
When a key is pressed, the direction is added to the end of the direction queue.
The last item in the direction queue (i.e. the last direction pressed) is checked to see if it's not in the opposite direction of the new direction before adding the new direction to the direction queue.
function love.load() -- etc. -- Removed: direction = 'right' directionQueue = {'right'} end function love.update(dt) timer = timer + dt if timer >= 0.15 then timer = 0 if #directionQueue > 1 then table.remove(directionQueue, 1) end local nextXPosition = snakeSegments[1].x local nextYPosition = snakeSegments[1].y if directionQueue[1] == 'right' then nextXPosition = nextXPosition + 1 elseif directionQueue[1] == 'left' then nextXPosition = nextXPosition - 1 elseif directionQueue[1] == 'down' then nextYPosition = nextYPosition + 1 elseif directionQueue[1] == 'up' then nextYPosition = nextYPosition - 1 end table.insert(snakeSegments, 1, { x = nextXPosition, y = nextYPosition }) table.remove(snakeSegments) end end function love.keypressed(key) if key == 'right' and directionQueue[#directionQueue] ~= 'left' then table.insert(directionQueue, 'right') elseif key == 'left' and directionQueue[#directionQueue] ~= 'right' then table.insert(directionQueue, 'left') elseif key == 'up' and directionQueue[#directionQueue] ~= 'down' then table.insert(directionQueue, 'up') elseif key == 'down' and directionQueue[#directionQueue] ~= 'up' then table.insert(directionQueue, 'down') end end function love.draw() -- etc. -- Temporary for directionIndex, direction in ipairs(directionQueue) do love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1) love.graphics.print( 'directionQueue['..directionIndex..']: '..direction, 15, 15 * directionIndex ) end end
If the last direction is the same direction as the new direction, then the new direction is not added to the direction queue.
function love.keypressed(key) if key == 'right' and directionQueue[#directionQueue] ~= 'right' and directionQueue[#directionQueue] ~= 'left' then table.insert(directionQueue, 'right') elseif key == 'left' and directionQueue[#directionQueue] ~= 'left' and directionQueue[#directionQueue] ~= 'right' then table.insert(directionQueue, 'left') elseif key == 'up' and directionQueue[#directionQueue] ~= 'up' and directionQueue[#directionQueue] ~= 'down' then table.insert(directionQueue, 'up') elseif key == 'down' and directionQueue[#directionQueue] ~= 'down' and directionQueue[#directionQueue] ~= 'up' then table.insert(directionQueue, 'down') end end
If the next position would be off the grid, it is wrapped around to the position on the other side.
The grid X/Y counts are reused from drawing the background, so they are moved to love.load.
function love.load() -- etc. gridXCount = 20 gridYCount = 15 end function love.update(dt) -- etc. if directionQueue[1] == 'right' then nextXPosition = nextXPosition + 1 if nextXPosition > gridXCount then nextXPosition = 1 end elseif directionQueue[1] == 'left' then nextXPosition = nextXPosition - 1 if nextXPosition < 1 then nextXPosition = gridXCount end elseif directionQueue[1] == 'down' then nextYPosition = nextYPosition + 1 if nextYPosition > gridYCount then nextYPosition = 1 end elseif directionQueue[1] == 'up' then nextYPosition = nextYPosition - 1 if nextYPosition < 1 then nextYPosition = gridYCount end end -- etc. end function love.draw() -- Removed: local gridXCount = 20 -- Removed: local gridYCount = 15 end
The food is stored as a pair of X and Y values and is drawn as a square.
function love.load() -- etc. foodPosition = { x = love.math.random(1, gridXCount), y = love.math.random(1, gridYCount), } end function love.draw() -- etc. love.graphics.setColor(1, .3, .3) love.graphics.rectangle( 'fill', (foodPosition.x - 1) * cellSize, (foodPosition.y - 1) * cellSize, cellSize - 1, cellSize - 1 ) end
The code for drawing a snake's segment and drawing the food is the same except for the color, so a function is made.
function love.draw() -- etc. local function drawCell(x, y) love.graphics.rectangle( 'fill', (x - 1) * cellSize, (y - 1) * cellSize, cellSize - 1, cellSize - 1 ) end for segmentIndex, segment in ipairs(snakeSegments) do love.graphics.setColor(.6, 1, .32) drawCell(segment.x, segment.y) end love.graphics.setColor(1, .3, .3) drawCell(foodPosition.x, foodPosition.y) end
If the snake's new head position is the same as the food's position, then the snake's tail is not removed, and the food gets a new random position.
function love.update(dt) -- etc. table.insert(snakeSegments, 1, { x = nextXPosition, y = nextYPosition }) if snakeSegments[1].x == foodPosition.x and snakeSegments[1].y == foodPosition.y then foodPosition = { x = love.math.random(1, gridXCount), y = love.math.random(1, gridYCount), } else table.remove(snakeSegments) end end end
The code for setting the food to a random position is reused, so a function is made.
function love.load() -- etc. function moveFood() foodPosition = { x = love.math.random(1, gridXCount), y = love.math.random(1, gridYCount), } end moveFood() end function love.update(dt) -- etc. if snakeSegments[1].x == foodPosition.x and snakeSegments[1].y == foodPosition.y then moveFood() else table.remove(snakeSegments) end end end
Instead of moving the food to any random position, it is moved to a position not occupied by the snake.
All of the positions of the grid are looped through, and for each grid position all of the segments of the snake are looped through, and if no segments of the snake are at the same position as the grid position, then the grid position is added to a table of possible food positions. The next food position is selected randomly from this table.
function love.load() -- etc. function moveFood() local possibleFoodPositions = {} for foodX = 1, gridXCount do for foodY = 1, gridYCount do local possible = true for segmentIndex, segment in ipairs(snakeSegments) do if foodX == segment.x and foodY == segment.y then possible = false end end if possible then table.insert(possibleFoodPositions, {x = foodX, y = foodY}) end end end foodPosition = possibleFoodPositions[ love.math.random(#possibleFoodPositions) ] end moveFood() end
The snake's segments are looped through, and if any of them except for the last one is at the same position as the snake's new head position, then the snake has crashed into itself.
The last segment is not checked because it will be removed within the same tick.
For now, love.load is called to reset the game when the snake crashes into itself.
function love.update(dt) if timer >= 0.15 then -- etc. local canMove = true for segmentIndex, segment in ipairs(snakeSegments) do if segmentIndex ~= #snakeSegments and nextXPosition == segment.x and nextYPosition == segment.y then canMove = false end end if canMove then table.insert(snakeSegments, 1, { x = nextXPosition, y = nextYPosition }) if snakeSegments[1].x == foodPosition.x and snakeSegments[1].y == foodPosition.y then moveFood() else table.remove(snakeSegments) end else love.load() end end end
A variable is used to store whether or not the snake is alive, and it is set to false when the snake has crashed.
If the snake is dead, then the timer waits for 2 seconds before calling love.load.
function love.load() -- etc. snakeAlive = true end function love.update(dt) timer = timer + dt if snakeAlive then if timer >= 0.15 then -- etc. if canMove then -- etc. else snakeAlive = false end end elseif timer >= 2 then love.load() end end
The snake's color is changed based on whether it is alive or not.
function love.draw() -- etc. for segmentIndex, segment in ipairs(snakeSegments) do if snakeAlive then love.graphics.setColor(.6, 1, .32) else love.graphics.setColor(.5, .5, .5) end drawCell(segment.x, segment.y) end -- etc. end
When the game is over, only some variables need to be reset, so a function is made.
function love.load() gridXCount = 20 gridYCount = 15 function moveFood() -- etc. end function reset() snakeSegments = { {x = 3, y = 1}, {x = 2, y = 1}, {x = 1, y = 1}, } directionQueue = {'right'} snakeAlive = true timer = 0 moveFood() end reset() end function love.update(dt) -- etc. elseif timer >= 2 then reset() end end