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A tutorial for Lua and LÖVE 11
Watch as a sequence of numbers flash.
Repeat the sequence using the number keys.
If you successfully repeat the sequence, a new number is added and the sequence flashes again
The sequence table is created. For now it contains a test sequence of numbers between 1 and 4.
function love.load() sequence = {4, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3} -- Temporary end function love.draw() love.graphics.print(table.concat(sequence, ', ')) end
The current sequence position starts at 1.
If the number in the sequence at the current position is pressed, then 1 is added to the current position.
This will error once the current position is beyond the length of the sequence table.
function love.load() sequence = {4, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3} -- Temporary current = 1 end function love.keypressed(key) if tonumber(key) == sequence[current] then current = current + 1 end end function love.draw() love.graphics.print(table.concat(sequence, ', ')) love.graphics.print(current..'/'..#sequence, 0, 20) love.graphics.print('sequence[current]: '..sequence[current], 0, 40) end
When the current position goes beyond the sequence length, it is reset to 1.
function love.keypressed(key) if tonumber(key) == sequence[current] then current = current + 1 if current > #sequence then current = 1 end end end
When the current position is reset, a random number between 1 and 4 is added to the sequence.
function love.keypressed(key) if tonumber(key) == sequence[current] then current = current + 1 if current > #sequence then current = 1 table.insert(sequence, love.math.random(4)) end end end
The sequence is now created with a single random number.
Because the code for adding a random number to the sequence is reused, it is made into a function.
function love.load() sequence = {} function addToSequence() table.insert(sequence, love.math.random(4)) end addToSequence() current = 1 end function love.keypressed(key) if tonumber(key) == sequence[current] then current = current + 1 if current > #sequence then current = 1 addToSequence() end end end
If the wrong key is pressed, then love.load is called to reset the game.
function love.keypressed(key) if tonumber(key) == sequence[current] then current = current + 1 if current > #sequence then current = 1 addToSequence() end else love.load() end end
The first square is drawn with a dark red square and a white number.
A larger font is used and the drawn text is repositioned.
function love.load() -- etc. love.graphics.setNewFont(20) end function love.draw() local squareSize = 50 love.graphics.setColor(.2, 0, 0) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 0, squareSize, squareSize) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1) love.graphics.print(1, 19, 14) love.graphics.print(current..'/'..#sequence, 20, 60) love.graphics.print('sequence[current]: '..sequence[current], 20, 100) love.graphics.print(table.concat(sequence, ', '), 20, 140) end
The rest of the squares are drawn similarly.
function love.draw() local squareSize = 50 love.graphics.setColor(.2, 0, 0) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 0, squareSize, squareSize) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1) love.graphics.print(1, 19, 14) love.graphics.setColor(0, .2, 0) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', squareSize, 0, squareSize, squareSize) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1) love.graphics.print(2, squareSize + 19, 14) love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, .2) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', squareSize * 2, 0, squareSize, squareSize) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1) love.graphics.print(3, squareSize * 2 + 19, 14) love.graphics.setColor(.2, .2, 0) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', squareSize * 3, 0, squareSize, squareSize) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1) love.graphics.print(4, squareSize * 3 + 19, 14) -- etc. end
The code for drawing each square is similar, so it is made into a function.
function love.draw() local function drawSquare(number, color) local squareSize = 50 love.graphics.setColor(color) love.graphics.rectangle('fill', squareSize * (number - 1), 0, squareSize, squareSize) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1) love.graphics.print(number, squareSize * (number - 1) + 19, 14) end drawSquare(1, {.2, 0, 0}) drawSquare(2, {0, .2, 0}) drawSquare(3, {0, 0, .2}) drawSquare(4, {.2, .2, 0}) -- etc. end
Numbers will flash every second.
A timer variable starts at 0 and increases by dt each frame.
When the timer is at or above 1 it is reset to 0.
For now, 'tick' is printed every time the numbers will flash.
function love.load() -- etc. timer = 0 end function love.update(dt) timer = timer + dt if timer >= 1 then timer = 0 -- Temporary print('tick') end end
The current sequence position is reused to flash each square in the sequence.
The timer is used to advance the current sequence position.
For now, the square corresponding to the number at the current sequence position is drawn using its color, while the other squares are drawn in black.
The test sequence from before is used again.
This will error once current goes beyond the length of sequence.
function love.load() sequence = {4, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3} -- Temporary -- etc. end function love.update(dt) timer = timer + dt if timer >= 1 then timer = 0 current = current + 1 end end function love.draw() local function drawSquare(number, color) local squareSize = 50 if number == sequence[current] then love.graphics.setColor(color) else love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0) end -- etc. end -- etc. end
The squares are given a highlighted color for flashing.
function love.draw() local function drawSquare(number, color, colorFlashing) local squareSize = 50 if number == sequence[current] then love.graphics.setColor(colorFlashing) else love.graphics.setColor(color) end -- etc. end drawSquare(1, {.2, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}) drawSquare(2, {0, .2, 0}, {0, 1, 0}) drawSquare(3, {0, 0, .2}, {0, 0, 1}) drawSquare(4, {.2, .2, 0}, {1, 1, 0}) -- etc. end
A variable is created which indicates whether the squares are flashing ('watch') or whether the player is inputing numbers ('repeat').
The state starts as 'watch' and changes to 'repeat' after the flashing sequence has ended.
The keyboard input code is only run if the state is 'repeat'.
Once the sequence has been successfully entered, the state changes back to 'watch'.
function love.load() -- etc. state = 'watch' -- 'watch', 'repeat' end function love.update(dt) if state == 'watch' then timer = timer + dt if timer >= 1 then timer = 0 current = current + 1 if current > #sequence then state = 'repeat' current = 1 end end end end function love.keypressed(key) if state == 'repeat' then if tonumber(key) == sequence[current] then current = current + 1 if current > #sequence then current = 1 addToSequence() state = 'watch' end else love.load() end end end function love.draw() local function drawSquare(number, color) local squareSize = 50 if state == 'watch' and number == sequence[current] then love.graphics.setColor(colorFlashing) else love.graphics.setColor(color) end -- etc. end -- etc. love.graphics.print('state: '..state, 20, 180) end
A boolean variable is used to indicate whether to set the highlighted color or not.
It starts off as false, gets toggled to true when the timer ticks, and gets toggled back to false when the timer ticks again.
The timer limit is changed to tick twice as fast.
function love.load() -- etc. flashing = false end function love.update(dt) if state == 'watch' then timer = timer + dt if timer >= 0.5 then timer = 0 flashing = not flashing if not flashing then current = current + 1 if current > #sequence then state = 'repeat' current = 1 end end end end end function love.draw() local function drawSquare(number, color, colorFlashing) local squareSize = 50 if state == 'watch' and flashing and number == sequence[current] then love.graphics.setColor(colorFlashing) else love.graphics.setColor(color) end -- etc. end -- etc. love.graphics.print('flashing: '..tostring(flashing), 20, 220) end
If the wrong key is pressed, instead of resetting the game immediately, the state is set to 'gameover'. When a key is pressed in the 'gameover' state, the game is then reset.
function love.load() sequence = {} -- etc. end function love.keypressed(key) if state == 'repeat' then if tonumber(key) == sequence[current] then current = current + 1 if current > #sequence then current = 1 addToSequence() state = 'watch' end else state = 'gameover' end elseif state == 'gameover' then love.load() end end
The current sequence position and the length of the sequence is only displayed if the game is in the 'repeat' state, and a game over message is shown if the game is in the 'gameover' state.
function love.draw() -- etc. if state == 'repeat' then love.graphics.print(current..'/'..#sequence, 20, 60) elseif state == 'gameover' then love.graphics.print('Game over!', 20, 60) end -- Removed: love.graphics.print('sequence[current]: '..sequence[current], 20, 100) -- Removed: love.graphics.print(table.concat(sequence, ', '), 20, 140) -- Removed: love.graphics.print('state: '..state, 20, 180) -- Removed: love.graphics.print('flashing: '..tostring(flashing), 20, 220) end