function love.load(), 1, 1) images = {} for nameIndex, name in ipairs({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 'pip_heart', 'pip_diamond', 'pip_club', 'pip_spade', 'mini_heart', 'mini_diamond', 'mini_club', 'mini_spade', 'card', 'card_face_down', 'face_jack', 'face_queen', 'face_king', }) do images[name] ='images/''.png') end deck = {} for suitIndex, suit in ipairs({'club', 'diamond', 'heart', 'spade'}) do for rank = 1, 13 do table.insert(deck, {suit = suit, rank = rank}) end end function takeCard(hand) table.insert(hand, table.remove(deck, love.math.random(#deck))) end playerHand = {} takeCard(playerHand) takeCard(playerHand) dealerHand = {} takeCard(dealerHand) takeCard(dealerHand) roundOver = false function getTotal(hand) local total = 0 local hasAce = false for cardIndex, card in ipairs(hand) do if card.rank > 10 then total = total + 10 else total = total + card.rank end if card.rank == 1 then hasAce = true end end if hasAce and total <= 11 then total = total + 10 end return total end local buttonY = 230 local buttonHeight = 25 local textOffsetY = 6 buttonHit = { x = 10, y = buttonY, width = 53, height = buttonHeight, text = 'Hit!', textOffsetX = 16, textOffsetY = textOffsetY, } buttonStand = { x = 70, y = buttonY, width = 53, height = buttonHeight, text = 'Stand', textOffsetX = 8, textOffsetY = textOffsetY, } buttonPlayAgain = { x = 10, y = buttonY, width = 113, height = buttonHeight, text = 'Play again', textOffsetX = 24, textOffsetY = textOffsetY, } function isMouseInButton(button) return love.mouse.getX() >= button.x and love.mouse.getX() < button.x + button.width and love.mouse.getY() >= button.y and love.mouse.getY() < button.y + button.height end end function love.mousereleased() if not roundOver then if isMouseInButton(buttonHit) then takeCard(playerHand) if getTotal(playerHand) >= 21 then roundOver = true end elseif isMouseInButton(buttonStand) then roundOver = true end if roundOver then while getTotal(dealerHand) < 17 do takeCard(dealerHand) end end elseif isMouseInButton(buttonPlayAgain) then love.load() end end function love.draw() local function drawCard(card, x, y), 1, 1), x, y) if card.suit == 'heart' or card.suit == 'diamond' then, .06, .39) else, .2, .2) end local cardWidth = 53 local cardHeight = 73 local function drawCorner(image, offsetX, offsetY) image, x + offsetX, y + offsetY ) image, x + cardWidth - offsetX, y + cardHeight - offsetY, 0, -1 ) end drawCorner(images[card.rank], 3, 4) drawCorner(images['mini_'..card.suit], 3, 14) if card.rank > 10 then local faceImage if card.rank == 11 then faceImage = images.face_jack elseif card.rank == 12 then faceImage = images.face_queen elseif card.rank == 13 then faceImage = images.face_king end, 1, 1), x + 12, y + 11) else local function drawPip(offsetX, offsetY, mirrorX, mirrorY) local pipImage = images['pip_'..card.suit] local pipWidth = 11 pipImage, x + offsetX, y + offsetY ) if mirrorX then pipImage, x + cardWidth - offsetX - pipWidth, y + offsetY ) end if mirrorY then pipImage, x + offsetX + pipWidth, y + cardHeight - offsetY, 0, -1 ) end if mirrorX and mirrorY then pipImage, x + cardWidth - offsetX, y + cardHeight - offsetY, 0, -1 ) end end local xLeft = 11 local xMid = 21 local yTop = 7 local yThird = 19 local yQtr = 23 local yMid = 31 if card.rank == 1 then drawPip(xMid, yMid) elseif card.rank == 2 then drawPip(xMid, yTop, false, true) elseif card.rank == 3 then drawPip(xMid, yTop, false, true) drawPip(xMid, yMid) elseif card.rank == 4 then drawPip(xLeft, yTop, true, true) elseif card.rank == 5 then drawPip(xLeft, yTop, true, true) drawPip(xMid, yMid) elseif card.rank == 6 then drawPip(xLeft, yTop, true, true) drawPip(xLeft, yMid, true) elseif card.rank == 7 then drawPip(xLeft, yTop, true, true) drawPip(xLeft, yMid, true) drawPip(xMid, yThird) elseif card.rank == 8 then drawPip(xLeft, yTop, true, true) drawPip(xLeft, yMid, true) drawPip(xMid, yThird, false, true) elseif card.rank == 9 then drawPip(xLeft, yTop, true, true) drawPip(xLeft, yQtr, true, true) drawPip(xMid, yMid) elseif card.rank == 10 then drawPip(xLeft, yTop, true, true) drawPip(xLeft, yQtr, true, true) drawPip(xMid, 16, false, true) end end end local cardSpacing = 60 local marginX = 10 for cardIndex, card in ipairs(dealerHand) do local dealerMarginY = 30 if not roundOver and cardIndex == 1 then, 1, 1), marginX, dealerMarginY) else drawCard(card, ((cardIndex - 1) * cardSpacing) + marginX, dealerMarginY) end end for cardIndex, card in ipairs(playerHand) do drawCard(card, ((cardIndex - 1) * cardSpacing) + marginX, 140) end, 0, 0) if roundOver then'Total: '..getTotal(dealerHand), marginX, 10) else'Total: ?', marginX, 10) end'Total: '..getTotal(playerHand), marginX, 120) if roundOver then local function hasHandWon(thisHand, otherHand) return getTotal(thisHand) <= 21 and ( getTotal(otherHand) > 21 or getTotal(thisHand) > getTotal(otherHand) ) end local function drawWinner(message), marginX, 268) end if hasHandWon(playerHand, dealerHand) then drawWinner('Player wins') elseif hasHandWon(dealerHand, playerHand) then drawWinner('Dealer wins') else drawWinner('Draw') end end local function drawButton(button) if isMouseInButton(button) then, .8, .3) else, .5, .2) end'fill', button.x, button.y, button.width, button.height), 1, 1), button.x + button.textOffsetX, button.y + button.textOffsetY) end if roundOver then drawButton(buttonPlayAgain) else drawButton(buttonHit) drawButton(buttonStand) end end