function love.load(), 1, 1) images = {} for nameIndex, name in ipairs({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 'pip_heart', 'pip_diamond', 'pip_club', 'pip_spade', 'mini_heart', 'mini_diamond', 'mini_club', 'mini_spade', 'card', 'card_face_down', 'face_jack', 'face_queen', 'face_king', }) do images[name] ='images/''.png') end deck = {} for suitIndex, suit in ipairs({'club', 'diamond', 'heart', 'spade'}) do for rank = 1, 13 do table.insert(deck, {suit = suit, rank = rank}) end end function takeCard(hand) table.insert(hand, table.remove(deck, love.math.random(#deck))) end playerHand = {} takeCard(playerHand) takeCard(playerHand) dealerHand = {} takeCard(dealerHand) takeCard(dealerHand) roundOver = false function getTotal(hand) local total = 0 local hasAce = false for cardIndex, card in ipairs(hand) do if card.rank > 10 then total = total + 10 else total = total + card.rank end if card.rank == 1 then hasAce = true end end if hasAce and total <= 11 then total = total + 10 end return total end end function love.keypressed(key) if not roundOver then if key == 'h' then takeCard(playerHand) if getTotal(playerHand) >= 21 then roundOver = true end elseif key == 's' then roundOver = true end if roundOver then while getTotal(dealerHand) < 17 do takeCard(dealerHand) end end else love.load() end end function love.draw() local output = {} table.insert(output, 'Player hand:') for cardIndex, card in ipairs(playerHand) do table.insert(output, 'suit: '..card.suit..', rank: '..card.rank) end table.insert(output, 'Total: '..getTotal(playerHand)) table.insert(output, '') table.insert(output, 'Dealer hand:') for cardIndex, card in ipairs(dealerHand) do if not roundOver and cardIndex == 1 then table.insert(output, '(Card hidden)') else table.insert(output, 'suit: '..card.suit..', rank: '..card.rank) end end if roundOver then table.insert(output, 'Total: '..getTotal(dealerHand)) else table.insert(output, 'Total: ?') end if roundOver then table.insert(output, '') local function hasHandWon(thisHand, otherHand) return getTotal(thisHand) <= 21 and ( getTotal(otherHand) > 21 or getTotal(thisHand) > getTotal(otherHand) ) end if hasHandWon(playerHand, dealerHand) then table.insert(output, 'Player wins') elseif hasHandWon(dealerHand, playerHand) then table.insert(output, 'Dealer wins') else table.insert(output, 'Draw') end end local function drawCard(card, x, y), 1, 1), x, y), 0, 0) local cardWidth = 53 local cardHeight = 73 local numberOffsetX = 3 local numberOffsetY = 4 images[card.rank], x + numberOffsetX, y + numberOffsetY ) images[card.rank], x + cardWidth - numberOffsetX, y + cardHeight - numberOffsetY, 0, -1 ) local suitOffsetX = 3 local suitOffsetY = 14 local suitImage = images['mini_'..card.suit] suitImage, x + suitOffsetX, y + suitOffsetY ) suitImage, x + cardWidth - suitOffsetX, y + cardHeight - suitOffsetY, 0, -1 ) end local testHand1 = { {suit = 'club', rank = 1}, {suit = 'diamond', rank = 2}, {suit = 'heart', rank = 3}, {suit = 'spade', rank = 4}, {suit = 'club', rank = 5}, {suit = 'diamond', rank = 6}, {suit = 'heart', rank = 7}, } for cardIndex, card in ipairs(testHand1) do drawCard(card, (cardIndex - 1) * 60, 0) end local testHand2 = { {suit = 'spade', rank = 8}, {suit = 'club', rank = 9}, {suit = 'diamond', rank = 10}, {suit = 'heart', rank = 11}, {suit = 'spade', rank = 12}, {suit = 'club', rank = 13}, } for cardIndex, card in ipairs(testHand2) do drawCard(card, (cardIndex - 1) * 60, 80) end end