function love.load() images = {} for nameIndex, name in ipairs({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 'pip_heart', 'pip_diamond', 'pip_club', 'pip_spade', 'mini_heart', 'mini_diamond', 'mini_club', 'mini_spade', 'card', 'card_face_down', 'face_jack', 'face_queen', 'face_king', }) do images[name] ='images/''.png') end deck = {} for suitIndex, suit in ipairs({'club', 'diamond', 'heart', 'spade'}) do for rank = 1, 13 do table.insert(deck, {suit = suit, rank = rank}) end end function takeCard(hand) table.insert(hand, table.remove(deck, love.math.random(#deck))) end playerHand = {} takeCard(playerHand) takeCard(playerHand) dealerHand = {} takeCard(dealerHand) takeCard(dealerHand) roundOver = false function getTotal(hand) local total = 0 local hasAce = false for cardIndex, card in ipairs(hand) do if card.rank > 10 then total = total + 10 else total = total + card.rank end if card.rank == 1 then hasAce = true end end if hasAce and total <= 11 then total = total + 10 end return total end end function love.keypressed(key) if not roundOver then if key == 'h' then takeCard(playerHand) if getTotal(playerHand) >= 21 then roundOver = true end elseif key == 's' then roundOver = true end if roundOver then while getTotal(dealerHand) < 17 do takeCard(dealerHand) end end else love.load() end end function love.draw() local output = {} table.insert(output, 'Player hand:') for cardIndex, card in ipairs(playerHand) do table.insert(output, 'suit: '..card.suit..', rank: '..card.rank) end table.insert(output, 'Total: '..getTotal(playerHand)) table.insert(output, '') table.insert(output, 'Dealer hand:') for cardIndex, card in ipairs(dealerHand) do if not roundOver and cardIndex == 1 then table.insert(output, '(Card hidden)') else table.insert(output, 'suit: '..card.suit..', rank: '..card.rank) end end if roundOver then table.insert(output, 'Total: '..getTotal(dealerHand)) else table.insert(output, 'Total: ?') end if roundOver then table.insert(output, '') local function hasHandWon(thisHand, otherHand) return getTotal(thisHand) <= 21 and ( getTotal(otherHand) > 21 or getTotal(thisHand) > getTotal(otherHand) ) end if hasHandWon(playerHand, dealerHand) then table.insert(output, 'Player wins') elseif hasHandWon(dealerHand, playerHand) then table.insert(output, 'Dealer wins') else table.insert(output, 'Draw') end end, '\n'), 15, 15) end